Custom plastic moulding could make your innovative idea for a product a reality. Often people think producing a product out of plastic is farfetched, and that a large factory overseas is needed. This is not the case, as custom rotational plastic moulding can make it straightforward and cost-effective at any production scale.
When looking to create a plastic product one of the first things considered is the custom plastic moulding cost. Different plastic moulding solutions offer unique advantages and savings. Rotational moulding offers various advantages both in design, production, and cost when creating a custom plastic mould.
Cost considerations
What exactly are some of the costs of developing a custom plastic mould?
All plastic products are made by filling a mould that is in the shape of what you want to make. Some processes like injection moulding use high pressure to force melted plastic into place. Here at Rotational Plastics, we use, you guessed it, a process called rotational plastic moulding, also known as rotomoulding.
Rotational moulding is a low-pressure process which means unlike other processes, weaker and cheaper materials, like aluminium can be used to create custom plastic moulds. Since the moulds are not under pressure, they do not require the same tolerances.
Because tooling can account for upwards of 70% of the initial start-up cost when creating a new custom plastic mould an expensive mould could make or break your dream. Rotational Plastics steel miller can create cheap moulds from steel but can offer aluminium moulds when required.
If you have an idea for a product but do not know how to convert that to a design for a custom plastic mould, the team the rotational plastics is happy to use their industry expertise to assist you and ensure your vision comes true.
Realizing your idea may come with some hurdles, but more than likely our team has encountered them all. Engineering a product to be suited to rotational plastic moulding is an art form. Requiring intricate knowledge of what is and is not possible. Due to the nature of rotational plastic moulding, certain designs may be impossible to produce. The team at Rotational plastics will help you through the design process to ensure these are avoided early in development.
Generally, the design, testing and mould tooling is almost all the cost involved in setting up a custom plastic mould. When it comes to producing your plastic product, the cost pales in comparison.
So how much can you expect to pay for custom plastic mould?
The cost of a custom rotational mould is not as straightforward as one might think. Depending on size, the complexity of design, to the material used for the mould, the price can range from as low as $3,000 to $30,000. Because design and tooling are where the money is invested, having a team as talented and professional as the one here at Rotational Plastic is key. If you have an idea for a custom plastic mould, give us a call at 0800 768 284 or contact us here. The Rotational Plastics team have developed a process to lead you to your goal and is eager to help your project succeed.