Monthly Archives: November 2015

An Exciting Update For Rotational Plastics

Over the past year we have been working hard at improving the business. We have recently gained ISO9001 certification for the second year and also signed up for a OHS improvement program. All of our products are now serialised to assist with quality auditing and control.

All of the above are factors which we can measure but would sincerely appreciate your help gauging how we are performing through the eyes of you our most valuable assets.

In the next few days we will be sending out a customer feedback survey and ask that you help us to determine what other areas need improving.

No Job Is Too Big Or Small!

If you are looking to get a custom plastic item made, you may be worried that the job is either too big or small and that no one will want to do it. No need to worry! For us at Rotational Plastics, no job is too big or small!

no_job_is_too_big_or_smallNo matter what your item is, whether it’s something small and a one off or it’s something big which you need a whole line of, we are up to the challenge. In the past we have been involved in all sizes of jobs and are happy to help you find the solution you are looking for.

Talk to us today about the job you require and let us provide you with your plastic moulding solution!